Apr 28
Skeletons in Our Closet: Academia's Relationship to Indigenous People
The Linguistics Department would like to invite you to a public talk by Mskwaankwad Rice, PhD student of Linguistics at the University of Minnesota.
Outside of academia, Mskwaankwad's language work includes running a Nishnaabemwin immersion program for L2 adult learners called Eshki-nishnaabemjig, which himself and two comrades established in 2016. They directly modelled the program after the Ojibwemotaadidaa Omaa Gidakiiminaang immersion academy in Fond du Lac, MN as it was the first true immersion program for adults that they had found in their journeys to gain functional fluency in the language.
Sponsored by Linguistics, American Studies & Sociology and Anthropology.
from Linguistics
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