Report of the President to the Board of Trustees, 1949-50

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Sketch appearing in the 1950 Algol.
Sketch appearing in the 1950 Algol.
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Freedoms Foundation Medal, 1951.
Freedoms Foundation Medal, 1951.
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Report of the President to the Board of Trustees, 1949-50

“Carleton College is not an end in itself; it does not exist alone. It is a part of the total educational program of our country. It must have some specific contribution to make to that program, and that something is quality . . . Not all high-school graduates who seek higher education should go to colleges such as Carleton. We cannot, we must not, try to be all things to all people who seek higher education. We need to define our task rather sharply to cover a limited field, but to do that better than it can be done in any other kind of institution.” [Report of the President to the Board of Trustees, 1949-50]