Oct 20

Woven in Olive Green: The Fabric of Cuban Revolution and its Discontent

Fri, October 20, 2023 • 5:00pm - 6:30pm (1h 30m) • Weitz 230


María A. Cabrera Arús (Ph.D., New School or Social Research). She is a sociologist who studies the effects of fashion and domestic material culture on regime stability and legitimation, focusing on state socialist regimes and the Caribbean region during the Cold War. Her research has been published in journals such as Theory and Society, Visual Studies, and Cuban Studies, among others, and in books such as The Oxford Handbook in Communist Visual Cultures (Oxford University Press), The Revolution from Within (Duke University Press), Picturing Cuba: Art, Culture, and Identity on the Island and in the Diaspora (University Press of Florida), and International Perspectives on Publishing Platforms: Image, Object, Text (Routledge). Cabrera Arús is the author of the multi-awarded project of digital scholarship Archive of Cuban Socialism (ArchCuS), a digital archive of Cuban material culture from the Cold War era, and its associated blog Cuba Material, which she maintains since 2012. She is also a collector of Cuban material culture, and a curator of the exhibitions Cuban Revolutionary Fashion (Brown University, 2019), Pioneros: Building Cuba’s Socialist Childhood (Parsons School of Design, 2015), and Cuban Finotype and Its Materiality (Cabinet magazine, 2015).

Event Contact: Jorge Brioso

Event Summary

Woven in Olive Green: The Fabric of Cuban Revolution and its Discontent
  • Intended For: General Public, Students, Faculty, Staff, Emeriti, Alums, Prospective Students, Families
  • Categories: Lecture/Panel

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