French, a language of culture and diplomacy, offers access to a world of literature, cuisine, and international relations. Spoken by over 200 million people and on every continent, French is the the official language in 33 countries and in numerous organizations like the UN and EU. Learning French enhances global business and travel opportunities, facilitates cultural exchanges, and serves as a foundation for learning other Romance languages, making it both enriching and practical.
At Carleton we offer:
- French language courses ranging from the elementary to advanced levels
- Fascinating courses in French and English like “Francophone Cinema and the African Experience”, “Food in French Fiction”, “Contemporary France and Humor”, and “The Algerian War of Liberation and Its Representations”
- A major in French & Francophone Studies (with literature and cultural studies tracks)
- A minor in French and an interdisciplinary minor in French & Francophone Studies
- Faculty-led off-campus programs in France and Senegal and many consortial programs in other parts of the francophone world
To learn more about French at Carleton, visit the Department of French & Francophone Studies!