Which rooms can the Language Center reserve? How can I make a reservation?
The Language Center has direct reservation access to LDC 201, 203, 204, and 241, with additional access to LDC 242, 243, and 244 in the afternoon. However, the latter set of rooms are booked first for courses via the registrar’s office. The Language Center lounge, Huddle Space, and private computer room are can also be reserved. For more information about Our Rooms and how to reserve them, please visit the Our Rooms page.
Who do I contact for classroom technology or printer support?
If you are in the LDC, you can contact the Language Center for basic classroom technology or printer support. However, anything that needs more than a simple solution will require the help of ITS (x5999).
The Language Center is responsible for adding paper to the printer in LDC 220, as well the printer found in the 2nd floor hallway. If you notice that a printer needs paper, please let a Language Assistant know.
What do I need to know about Language Placement?
Once you have been accepted (congratulations!) and decided to come to Carleton, you will receive an email with steps you will need to take, which will include information about language placement testing. For more information regarding deadlines and other information for new students, please visit the New Students site.
Each language department will have its own testing system. For more information, please visit our Language Placement Testing site, and click on the language you are interested in pursuing.
Who is Avant and what are the PLACE and STAMP language exams?
Avant is the company that supplies us with the placement exams (PLACE) that Spanish, French, and German currently use as a second layer of testing for students who originally received a TBA or TBD from their WebCape language test. These PLACE exams takes place during New Student Week.
Avant also provides us with language assessment exams (STAMP). Occasionally, a language course may have students take the STAMP assessment test. This is free for students when done through their language class, and it will provide a general assessment of their language abilities.
Both PLACE and STAMP are adaptive, language tests that are used by a large number of academic institutions.
Discover more information on Avant.
How can I schedule a PLACE or STAMP exam?
Currently all testing is done through the language programs at Carleton and scheduling is done directly through the language departments.
If an individual student wishes to complete their own assessment they may do so at their own cost. Please note that this is NOT a substitute for, nor will the results exempt you from, your language requirement at Carleton.
For any other questions about these or other language proficiency tests, contact the Director of the Language Center.
What role does the Language Center play for film screenings?
All films are initially located at the library. If you are just looking for any film, please search through the library database and reserve your copy as normal.
If the film was part of your language class and the Language Center ran the showing of the film, the Language Center will hold onto films until the end of the term for individual showings. If you missed a film screening for your class, you can come by the Language Center and watch the film in the LDC. Films must remain in the LDC.
What role does the Language Center play in the language exemption process?
Currently, the Language Center plays no role in exemption other than occasionally proctoring an exam. Please see the Language Requirement Exemption page for more information and petition documents.
Can the Language Center host or support an event?
Yes! Departments and/or interested students should contact the either the Director or the Assistant to the Director for more information.
What resources/help does the Language Center have?
The Language Center has a number of resources that we offer Carleton students, faculty, and staff. For information about current resources, please visit the resources page or stop by the Language Center.
If you have suggestions for resources you think the Language Center should consider providing, please reach out to the Director.
How do I type accents on my Windows or Mac device?
Discover from Lifeware how to switch your Windows computer to an international keyboard and use accent shortcuts. Scroll to the bottom for types of accents. View a full list of Windows shortcuts in the numeric code format.
Change your keyboard layout and language input source in Windows.
Is there a way to see what rooms in the Language Center are reserved before I come in?
Yes, please see our calendar for our Language Center specific spaces here.
*Please note, this is ONLY for our Lounge spaces, the Huddle Space, or our private computer room (LDC 221). All other spaces in the LDC can be viewed through campus scheduling, or by contacting the Director or the Assistant to the Director.
How do I get a job at the Language Center?
We are happy to hear you are interested in working at the Language Center! We think it is a great place to work 🙂
We generally hire for the upcoming academic year during the summer break. Occasionally, we will hire mid-year for winter or spring terms, but this is not guaranteed. We always post an ad on the Student Employment Job Postings page whenever we are hiring.
When we hire, we typically look for students who speak at least one language other than English, with a preference for students who speak a language taught at Carleton. If you have any questions about working at the Language Center, you can contact the Director of the Language Center.