Which rooms can the Language Center reserve?

The Language Center has direct reservation access to LDC 201, 203, 204, and 241, with additional access to LDC 242, 243, and 244 in the afternoon. However, the latter set of rooms are booked first for courses via the registrar’s office. The Language Center lounge, Huddle Space, and private computer room are can also be reserved. For more information about Our Rooms and how to reserve them, please visit the Our Rooms page.

Who do I contact for classroom technology or printer support?

If you are in the LDC, you can contact the Language Center for basic classroom technology or printer support. However, anything that needs more than a simple solution will require the help of ITS (x5999).

If you need instructional help with DiLL (language lab software in LDC 241), please contact the Language Center.

The Language Center is responsible for adding paper to the printer in LDC 220, as well the printer found in the 2nd floor hallway. If you notice that a printer needs paper, please let a Language Assistant know.

What is DiLL (Digital Language Lab)?

DiLL is a software that allows an instructor to monitor their students during language class, and can be found on the computers in LDC 241. They allow you to hear, record, speak to, and control your students screens. You can pair students up to talk to each other as well as listen in without them knowing. There are a variety of tasks that can be accomplished with this software.

For more information or to reserve LDC 241 for one of your classes, please contact the Director.

Where can I or my students find the Antidote software?

French students can gain access to a web version of Antidote. They need to be currently enrolled in a French language class. Please contact ITS for access.

What is WebCape?

WebCape is a language placement exam from Emmersion. Currently, Carleton uses WebCape to place students into German, Spanish, and French classes. Students who score a TBA will directed to take a second placement exam (PLACE by Avant).

For more information on WebCape, please contact Mary Tatge.

Who is Avant and what are the PLACE and STAMP language exams?

Avant is the company that supplies us with the placement exams (PLACE) that Spanish, French, and German currently use as a second layer of testing for students who originally received a TBA or TBD from their WebCape language test. These PLACE exams takes place during New Student Week.

Avant also provides us with language assessment exams (STAMP). Occasionally, a language course may have students take the STAMP assessment test. This is free for students when done through their language class, and it will provide a general assessment of their language abilities. Students who score high enough on their assessment, will also receive a certificate for the Global Seal of Biliteracy.

Both PLACE and STAMP are adaptive language tests that are used by a large number of academic institutions.

Discover more information on Avant.

How can I schedule a PLACE or STAMP exam?

Please contact the Director for pricing and scheduling information. Currently, all testing is done through collaboration between the language programs and the Language Center at Carleton.

For smaller groups of students, we have students either schedule a time with us or simply drop-in. For larger groups of students, we will establish specific dates and times and the Language Center will provide a digital signup sheet for students to register.

If an individual student wishes to complete their own assessment they may do so at their own cost. Please note that this is NOT a substitute for, nor will the results exempt any student from the language requirement at Carleton.

How much do PLACE and/or STAMP exams cost?

Currently, Avant charges $22.90 (summer 2023) if tests are purchased in bulk. The Language Center pays for exams through funding from the Office of the Provost and arranges the proctoring of the exams.

What role does the Language Center play in the language exemption process?

Currently, the Language Center plays no role in exemption other than occasional exam proctoring. Please see the Language Requirement Exemption page for more information and petition documents.

What role does the Language Center play for film screenings?

To arrange for the Language Center to screen a film for your class, please contact the Assistant to the Director. Before the screening, you will need to request your movie from the library (Maggie Epstein: meptsein) and have it delivered to the Language Center. Please make sure to note in your email that the film is to be brought to the Language Center so the library can separate film requests properly.

The Language Center will hold onto films until the end of the term for individual showings. If a student missed a film screening for your class, they can come by the Language Center and watch the film in the LDC. Films must remain in the LDC.

What role does the Language Center play for the Language Associates (LAs)?

The Language Center arranges the orientation schedule for the Language Associates, provides some of the training during orientation week and is available to answer questions pre-arrival as well as during the academic year (or direct the LA to a different contact). We can also help arrange spaces for office hours or tutoring in the LDC.

LA job responsibilities are primarily with the individual language departments to which the LA belongs.

Can the Language Center host, support, or collaborate on an event?

Yes! Please contact the either the Director or the Assistant to the Director for more information.

Please visit the Our Rooms page to learn more about our spaces. Food may be brought into the Language Center and we have a coffee maker and kettle available, if desired.

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What resources does the Language Center have?

The Language Center has a number of resources that we offer Carleton students, faculty, and staff. For information about current resources, please visit the resources page or stop by the Language Center.

If you have suggestions for resources you think the Language Center should consider providing, please reach out to the Director.