Producing and implementing instructional video in classes is growing exponentially, along with analytics to help track the associated learning. By carefully selecting a video-type and tool to meet a certain pedagogical goal, faculty can engage students–and students can demonstrate their own understanding–in new ways.
Getting Started:
- Panopto is a Lecture Capture tool that allows you to easily capture a presentation for to use in a flipped classroom or for training. Carleton’s Academic Technology will be offering training on Panopto late summer and throughout the year. If you have questions or would like to get started right away, please contact Dann Hurlbert in Academic Technology. You can also learn more simply by logging in at and watching some of Dann’s short Getting Started Videos.
- Instructional videos can be recorded in a variety of styles.
- More information about creating and implementing effective instructional video is available here: Instructional Video Information.
- More information on Lecture Capture is also available on LinkedIn Learning.
For questions on Panopto or creating effective instructional videos, please contact Dann Hurlbert ( or by calling x4870