Welcome! Though you probably won’t arrive on campus until September, you’re now officially a part of Carleton’s online community.
By this time, you should have received the Computing at Carleton document in one of our mailings. The label on the front of this document contains your Carleton username, which is yours for life. It also contains your initial temporary password. These credentials give you full access to Carleton’s online resources including the campus directory, library databases, the events calendar, residence hall information and more.
Password Notice
If you have not already done so, it is important that you change your password. The password you were sent is less secure than a permanent one should be as it was not generated by you and was printed on a document. This initial password is therefore temporary and will stop working in just a few weeks. At that point, you will be unable to access your college email and many of the other online resources you will need during the summer.
When you change your password, you will be asked if you want to activate DUO 2-Factor authentication. When you arrive on campus, this will be required, however, for the summer it remains optional. If you do choose to set it up now, please be sure to set up backup codes for your account.
If you do not change your password and you lose access to your account, please call the ITS HelpDesk at 507-222-5999 and have your Computing at Carleton document at hand.
For lots more information on student technology and the computing environment at Carleton, please head on over to our newly created New Student IT site on Carlpedia, our campus knowledge base.
Your Carleton Email Account
Your new credentials include an active email account at Carleton which is accessed through Carleton Gmail.
If you already have a personal email address, it’s tempting to just ignore your Carleton account, but please don’t. Over the summer you’ll regularly receive deadline reminders and orientation information at your Carleton address. Once you’re on campus, your Carleton email address will be how professors, administrators, and other students will contact you.
If you have any problems with your new account, please contact the ITS HelpDesk at 507-222-5999.
More Information
The following are some direct links to information and articles that may be of immediate interest.
What do you need in a computer?
Suggestions and recommendations to make sure your computer will meet your needs while you’re a student at Carleton.
Getting connected
How to to connect your computer, phone, or any internet-capable device to our campus networks.
Moodle Course Management
Keep track of course resources, assignments and more in Carleton’s online course management system.