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Colleague is the campus software that many administrative departments use to manage their operations. Colleague supports functions like course registration and student transcripts, financial aid, payroll, and the financial bookkeeping for the college.  

Colleague UI 5 Quick Tour

The Hub provides a web interface to the information in Colleague. Students can register for courses, view their course schedules, enter their time for payroll, view their tax documents, etc. Employees can submit time and leave information, view their tax documents, view their total compensation breakdown, etc. Faculty can submit grades, view their class rosters, view advisee information, etc. Alumni can request transcripts, view tax documents, etc. Parents can view information about their students and make payments to the college.

As of January 2019, Carleton will be moving all items from The (old) Hub to The (new) Hub.  All items need to be moved by December 2021. Additional information is available if you’d like more details.

Getting Started

  • If you already have a Colleague account, you can log in to Colleague Production or Colleague Test (please refer to links shown above). Production will have a green background and Test will have a gold background.
  • If you don’t have a Colleague account, you can request access to Colleague or EasySpooler (printing for Colleague), by contacting the Helpdesk at x5999.
  • If you are a student, staff member, faculty member, or alumnus, you can access The Hub
  • If you are a parent or other proxy, you can access The Hub.

More Info

  • If you want to learn more about Colleague please contact Sara Oster.
  • If you’d like to see additional information on The Hub, please contact the department that sources that information.  For example, you can contact the Business Office with budget reporting requests.  If you are unsure of which department to contact, please contact Sara Oster.