There’s a lot more information about Zoom in our Knowledege Base!

What is it?

Zoom is a commonly used synchronous communication and collaboration tool that allows you to host video conferencing or webinar-type meetings with individuals, groups, and your students. Zoom functions as your online classroom space, and features like chat, polling, screen sharing, and breakout rooms can be particularly useful for faculty and students.

Why is this useful?

Zoom is useful because synchronous class meetings can be an important component of well-constructed online and hybrid courses, and can help build a sense of community among your students. It is also important because it is the most direct way to move courses online with short notice. For those faculty teaching online due to COVID-19, Zoom may provide the clearest analogue to your existing classroom practices, and is quickly becoming the de facto standard for live web conferencing in higher education.

How do I use it at Carleton?

We recommend that you do not post any Zoom links on a public website, though you can post them in Moodle courses, as URL access is then protected by the sign-in to the course.

To use a Carleton Licensed Zoom account:

  1. Visit [not just]
  2. Click Sign in
  3. Log in using the SSO, Single Sign On, option. (This should take you to a Carleton login window.)

Once established, you can schedule meetings through Zoom’s online interface or by using Google Calendar and the Zoom for GSuite Plugin–rather than a browser extention. Discover more information on video conferencing.

To create a new Zoom session in Moodle:

  1. Log into your Moodle course.
  2. Navigate to the place where you’d like your class Zoom links to appear. 
  3. Click Add Activity or Resource and select Zoom from the list.
  4. Once Zoom is added, you can click Schedule a New Meeting in the upper right-hand portion of the page.  

To make sure you’re ready to use Zoom at Carleton, you might have to follow these directions:

CARE Strategies

Need a quick example or description of how one of our tools can be viewed through CARE?

Not sure what CARE is? Please see this blog post on CARE for more information.

Community: Zoom polls can bring remote students into the classroom and provide their feedback, or by providing student a chance to still interact with class even if they have to be remote for a day or more (this can also help with Equal Access!).

Agency: Giving students choices about how to participate in class, remote or in-person, via speaking, typing in chat, or a Zoom poll, when it’s appropriate based on your guidelines, can be important in providing a sense of control over a person’s learning environment.

Representation: Zoom can provide a platform to bring in guest speakers and experts from a variety of backgrounds. 

Equal Access: Students with accommodations or temporary illness may be able to use Zoom to participate in class, and still access their education when they are not able to be in in person.

Want to help others out with CARE strategies and Zoom? Please enter your strategies in the Poll Everywhere section below. As a reminder regarding personal or sensitive information, these will be available to those who visit this site. General content moderation may be on, so your shared strategy responses may be delayed.