Getting started

Presentations generally take one of two forms: Ballroom/Classroom presentations or Boardroom/Conference room presentations (a third type of presentation is used in a courtroom, where a case is presented to a jury.)

Ballroom/Classroom presentations (e.g., TED talk, or Convo) are the most common. The speaker is on stage or in front of a group and often uses slides or other demonstrations to help communicate their message. The goal is to educate and/or entertain. 

Conference room presentations are used when the goal is to persuade a small group of decision-makers to take specific actions. The speaker is at the table with the other participants, and paper printouts are used in place of projected slides, to take advantage of their high resolution. 

More info

There are 3 main activities involved in crafting a presentation:

  1. Create a script or screenplay (what you’re going to say) from the Big Idea of your talk
  2. Build your slide deck or handouts (what you’re going to show)
  3. Practice/rehearse your presentation

More details are available in the Presentation Prep document.


Please contact Doug Foxgrover for more information.