Carleton students are granted a print quota of $96 per year. Duplex print jobs and color print jobs, which cost different amounts per page than black-and-white single-sided print jobs, will affect the actual total number of pages any student can print. The quota is automatically granted to all current students, both on- and off-campus, during the first two weeks of August. Note that the quota cannot be carried over from year to year. More details about print costs are located on The Print Quota Knowledge Base.

Getting Started

  • The PaperCut Portal, provides a great deal of information about your individual printing history, including the total number of pages you’ve printed during your time at Carleton, how much of your quota remains, and details about individual print jobs.
  • You can add additional money to your printing account if you have used your entire quota. Detailed directions are available here: PaperCut Information.

More Info

  • Certain medical conditions and learning accommodations may justify a larger quota.  Students who feel their situation warrants a quota increase should contact the Director of Accessibility Resources.
  • If you need a larger print quota but are unable to obtain it due to financial hardship, you may be eligible for a college-funded increase.  Contact your Class Dean or TRIO for more information.


Please contact Adit Burkule (x5635)