Carleton College provides computing (NetID) accounts for persons who have a current or future official status with the college that requires the use of computing resources. Official status is set by the college office responsible for the specific population. Official status is based on data in Carleton’s administrative software platforms. Student eligibility is based on Colleague Student Data, Employee eligibility is based on Workday HR Data, and Alumni eligibility is based on Advance Alumni Data.

Changes in official status are typically applied to a person’s computing accounts overnight. Example: although employment information is usually entered days in advance, in the case where the status is entered on the employee’s start date, the employee will not have access to their accounts until the next day.

The following sections include descriptions of classes of users, when eligibility starts and ends, and the default (“birthright”) set of services available. See the section on Service Profiles for more information about the sets of services.

Undergraduate Degree Students

Eligibility for computing accounts is based on Official Status as maintained in the Student Information System (Colleague). Undergraduate degree students will typically be notified by Admissions when they can access their computing accounts. Notice is typically part of the first college mailing to incoming students.

Student enrollment statusEligibilityService Portfolio
Full-time, regularEligibility begins in mid-May before first term in attendance.

Graduating student eligibility ends in late-July after graduation.

Other student eligibility ends 30 days after qualifying enrollment status ends


Approved leave
On approved off-campus study (OCS)
Required leave due to previous OCS
Senior residency requirement waived (early graduation)

Non-degree Students

Eligibility for computing accounts is based on Official Status as maintained in the Student Information System (Colleague). Non-degree students will typically be notified by Information Technology Services when they can access their computing accounts. Exchange Students and Language Associates will be notified by the Intercultural Life Office. Summer Academic (HS) Program participants will be given access to the required accounts at the beginning of their programs.

Enrollment typeEligibilityService Portfolio
Cross-enrolled St. Olaf Students

Eligibility begins when Special Student status is assigned by the Registrar.

Eligibility ends 30 days after Special Student status is removed by the Registrar.


High School Honors Students
Employee spouses/partners
Alumni (5+ years after graduation)
Student Teachers (Fall term immediately following graduation)Accounts continue from graduation through the start of student teaching term
Exchange StudentsSummer prior to fall term


Language AssociatesSummer prior to employment
Summer Academic (HS) Programs ParticipantsEligibility extends for the duration of the specific program(s).


Faculty and Staff Paid via Carleton Payroll

Eligibility for computing accounts is based on Official Status as maintained in the Human Resources system (Workday). First Work Dates are set for all faculty and staff. Last Work Dates are set for faculty or staff with a job that is for a specified length of time. Last Work Dates are left blank for ongoing employees until their Last Work Date is known.

Automated changes in eligibility based on First and Last Work Dates occur at midnight, and may take some hours to process fully.

Faculty and staff are typically notified by Information Technology Services when they can activate their computing accounts.

Payroll TypeEligibilityService Portfolio
Standard Faculty

Eligibility begins 90 days prior to First Work Date

Eligibility ends 30 days after Last Work Date


Instrument/Vocal Instructor
Standard Bi-weekly Staff

Eligibility begins 7 days prior to First Work Date

Eligibility ends on Last Work Day

Standard Exempt Staff
Standard Union Staff
ProctorsHR-D (OneCard only)
Off-campus program assistantsNo eligibility

Affiliates (Unpaid Persons, Non Carleton Payroll)

People who are not being paid via Carleton Payroll, yet have a defined and approved relationship where they are providing services to a Carleton office or department, are eligible for computing services for the duration of their relationship. These relationships are codified in the Human Resources system (Workday) as non-paid positions. All such positions have First Work Dates assigned. Last Work Dates are left blank for ongoing affiliations.

All affiliate eligibility begins up to 7 days prior to First Work Date and ends at the end of the day on the Last Work Date.

Payroll typeService Portfolio


Barnes & Noble employees (approval required)
Bon Appetit managers
Bon Appetit employees (approval required)
P.E.A.R. Trainers
Shared St. Olaf Staff
Research Associates


Visiting Scholars
Faculty Emeritus
Community Partner Supervisor (Non-Carleton student work supervisors)


Standard Bon Appetit employees

HR-D (OneCard Only)

Alumni, Trustees, Parent Volunteers

Alumni, Trustees, and Parent Volunteers are eligible for a limited set of computing services such as the Alumni Network and Volunteer Portal. These affiliations are codified in Carleton’s Advancement system (Advance) and are maintained by External Relations staff. The services can be accessed using a Carleton NetID and password. Some of these services allow an alternate sign-in using an external email provider such as GMail, Yahoo!, Hotmail and AOL, once the external account is linked with your Carleton profile.

Alumni (and spouses/partners) living within 100 miles of the college are eligible for an Affiliate OneCard, which grants library privileges and access to the Rec Center. For more information, see the Affiliate OneCard program website.

Special Cases

  • Methods for “bridging” non-continuous employees/affiliates
    • Faculty hired for non-continuous employment will automatically have continuous access to accounts if the new start date is within 120 days of the previous end date (30-day post-employment plus 90-day pre-employment grace periods).
    • Sponsored affiliations such as Visiting Scholars and Research Associates should have their sponsorship renewed before the end of their current affiliation in order to avoid disruption of service.
  • Spouses, partners or dependents of employees
    • Spouses, partners or dependents of employees are not eligible for NetID accounts unless officially enrolled in classes (Special Student status). Spouses, partners, and dependents 18 or older residing with the employee are eligible for an Affiliate OneCard.
    • Survivors of deceased faculty emeriti may be eligible for NetID-based services such as email. Please contact the Office of the Provost for more detail.
  • Former employees
    • Faculty Emeriti are eligible for accounts (see “Affiliates” above).
    • Retirees other than Emeritus retirees are not eligible for NetID accounts. Retirees and their spouse/partner are eligible for an Affiliate OneCard. Retiree status is determined in the Human Resources system (Colleague).
    • Former employee (not retiring) account access ends as described in the tables above. If a department wishes to continue the person in an “unpaid relationship” see the section on Affiliates above.
  • Email After Carleton
    • Former employees do not retain access to email accounts, unless noted elsewhere in this document.
    • Faculty
      • Prior to leaving the college, faculty can set their email to be forwarded to a non-Carleton address.
      • This forward will remain in place for one year past the “Last Work Date”.
    • Staff:
      • Former staff are not entitled to a “faculty email forward” as described above.
      • A staff member may create a “vacation responder” to inform others they are no longer at the college and to provide instructions for who to contact for college business. If they wish, they may also include information on how they may be contacted for personal communication.
      • This “vacation responder” will remain in effect for a period of 30 days past the “Last Work Date.” Please contact ITS to let them know that the vacation responder has been created; otherwise the vacation responder will stop functioning after the “Last Work Date.”
      • The former staff member’s supervisor may request access to the staff member’s email. Delegated access to the email account can be established for a period of 30 days past the employee’s “Last Work Date.”
  • Adverse termination
    • In the situations where account expiration needs to be handled BEFORE normal “Last Work Date” expiration at midnight, Human Resources will work with ITS to terminate account access early.
  • Account Eligibility for Auditing Classes
    • Individuals permitted to audit classes (which require only the permission of the instructor) have no formal student status, nor any educational, business or financial affiliation with Carleton College. An individual auditing a class, or more than one class, is not eligible for an account on any Carleton College wired or wireless computer network for any network services.
    • Individuals auditing a class may be eligible for a local LMS courtesy account on Moodle. Moodle access may not extend beyond the end of the audited class. Such individuals should contact their instructor who must both approve and submit the request. Instructors may submit a help desk request to IT specifically requesting this optional access on behalf of the auditing individual.


Service Portfolios

The following describes the service portfolios (bundles) referred to in the above tables. These descriptions are guidelines and not exhaustive, nor are they intended to imply any contract or other guarantee. For example, Human Resources has the ability to change a given person’s service profile and/or grant/limit access to certain resources.

Service PortfolioServices Included


OneCard, White Pages (online directory), LDAP


HR-D plus NetID/password, The Hub


HR-C plus GMail, Moodle, TeamDynamix and other basic accounts


HR-B plus access to departmental resources such as printing and departmental folders in Dropbox and Google Drive


NetID/password, Moodle, White Pages (online directory), campus wireless (Eduroam) and other academic (non-residential) resources


SIS-C plus GMail


SIS-B plus services for residential students (for example, Online Student Health)