Introducing new ITS Staff

14 February 2019

Matt Buresh

Matt Buresh

Matt is the newest ITS Matt, raising our total number to five, and increasing the percentage of Web Services Staff named Matt to 50! Matt grew up in Northfield and went to college at Bemidji State; after graduating with a degree in Computer Science, he worked as member of the BSU Web Services group as a WordPress programmer. He enjoys playing board games and Dungeons & Dragons, as well as reading non-fiction.

Trevor Freeland

Trevor Freeland

Trevor is joining ITS in a temporary role to help manage bringing the new science complex online; his role will primarily be around building the network infrastructure in the addition, as well as helping to rewire Olin and Hulings. He grew up in DeKalb, Illinois and came to Carleton as a member of the class of 2019.

Trevor will be graduating at the end of winter term with a degree in statistics; his Comps project is exploring what role human-made climate change has played in extreme precipitation events in the coastal Carolinas. He has played on the Carleton soccer all four years at Carleton, and his Broomball team has won the Carleton IM championship for the last three years.

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