From the CTO

6 June 2019
Janet Scannell

I really enjoy the bustle of this time of year – whether it’s the geese families on Lyman Lakes, faculty teaching outside, or the sound of students at Spring Concert.  As you scatter for the summer, here are some tips and a few changes to expect when you return.   

Technology Transitions

The bustle is often a sign of transition, and there will be plenty of that over the coming months. This summer will be the busiest period of the science complex construction, and by the end of it, ITS staff (Chris, Bryan, Trevor, Kevin, and Michael) will have installed 59 new wireless access points, 15 new ethernet switches, 20 new computers, 38 new video monitors and projectors and 3 new interactive “way-finding” stations. When everyone returns to campus, Anderson Hall will be transformed and ready to support new learning opportunities for the next group of Carleton students.  

As I mentioned last month, ITS will also begin implementing a new Service Management system called TeamDynamix.  TeamDynamix will replace Web Help Desk, and will allow you to track your technology requests more easily. It will also enable ITS to do our work more effectively.  

Staffing Transitions

ITS will also be experiencing two important staff transitions this summer. Dave Flynn, Director of Systems & Integration (SIG), will be moving to Boston and Janet Russell, Director of Academic Technology, will be moving to California.

We have posted the search for a new Director of Systems & Integration. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please send them my way. We are hoping to have someone in place before Dave leaves. In the meantime, Dave has started knowledge transfer with the SIG staff, which means he’s writing lots of documentation. The SIG group is also working on a network redesign, which will be a great foundation for the next leader to build on.

Faculty participation will be important in the search for a new Director of Academic Technology, so we will begin that process in the Fall. In the meantime, I will be naming an Interim Director to guide the good work of the Academic Technologists. I have also started conversations about the role and mission of the Academic Technology group and am looking for input from others who have wants and needs to share as we align for the future.

Whether you are staying on campus or leaving for the summer, I hope the next few months are full of rejuvenating transitions. If you have a chance to explore a new way that technology may benefit you or the College, I would love to hear about it when you have a chance.

Summary of this year’s “From the CTO” articles: 

September 2018 – This summer, and the past academic year, brought big changes for our physical campus. This summer also brought the incremental changes that happen every year as part of the care and feeding of Carleton’s technology environment.”  

November 2018 – We are all spending way more than an hour staying current with the evolving technology landscape. But as with most things, that knowledge is built one hour at a time.”   

February 2019 – Am I the only one thinking about summer? Winter takes so much preparation. Well, so does summer – at least for ITS.”   

April 2019 – After the dormancy of winter comes the vibrancy of spring. The same can be said for all sorts of efforts that have a less visible, but very necessary, phase that precedes the blooming.” 

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