Cross Country—and around the world

6 February 2020

Carleton student workers are instrumental in helping to make ITS an active and useful place to get support for your digital life. Not surprisingly, they have interesting lives after graduation. Here are a few of our fantastic former student workers and what they are doing now!

Eliot Pickens

Maraki Ketama ’15 – Product Manager at Tableau Software in Seattle,WA.

Emily Young ’05 – After a 2 year Peace Corps gig in Albania teaching English, health and computer literacy, she’s worked a number of interesting jobs and is currently a Technical Operations Engineer at Amazon Web Services in Sydney, Australia.

Elliott Pickens ’20 (Computer Science major, DataSquad member, Data Science training Intern at the University of Malaysia Library in Kuala Lumpur for Winter break ’19)

Daniel Alabi ’13 – Harvard PhD program in CS “Algorithmic Foundations of Data Privacy”

Shunji Li ’13 (Mathematics) Currently working as a software engineer for Airbnb.

Tung Phan ’13 (Computer Science/Mathematics) – Now a software engineer at Google.

Ben Walker ’13 (Computer Science/​Mathematics)
“After graduation I spent three years working for Dwolla as a software engineer on their realtime payment network. I’m currently a senior software engineer at Cornerstone OnDemand helping to develop their learning management system”

Aaron Cross ’09 – over 4 years working as the Kenya Systems Operations Director for One Acre Fun in Bungoma, Kenya, now traveling the world with PayPerks, a nonprofit working to support low and moderate income consumers.

Ben Anderson ’05 – Was working at Microsoft, now moved to Google – both in Seattle.

Quinn Schiller ’19 (Research Assistant for Oxford Behavioural Economics Research summer ’17) – Now an internal data analyst at Facebook.

Veronica Child ’18 – Working at Google in NYC.