UPDATE: critical issue with Colleague and The Hub

2 April 2021

We are glad to report that student registration (add/drop) activity will be restored, thanks to the Registrar’s Office manually restoring the data over this weekend. They will be sending a separate email to faculty and students about the impact of this incident on the add/drop period and related policies.  At 3 pm the Colleague system was turned on for staff departments to begin their data validation and, in some cases, data recovery. Some departments will continue their data recovery on Monday. Please watch for emails from various campus offices about any data entry that you may be asked to re-do, e.g. timesheet entry or approval.  The Hub will remain unavailable to students, faculty, and staff until after this weekend’s data recovery work is completed. Please watch for an email announcement.  The restoration of data flowing from Colleague to other systems, including the data warehouse, will be completed by Monday morning.  We have identified the cause of this problem; next week we will be adding additional protections against a recurrence. We are sorry for the inconvenience and are grateful for your patience and support.  Janet Scannell, Chief Technology Officer Julie Creamer, Director of Enterprise Information Services