[Planned Outage] Moodle Upgrade on June 17th, 5:30am

15 June 2018

On Sunday, June 17th, our primary Moodle server will be unavailable starting at 5:30am while we upgrade it to a new version.  We expect that the upgrade will take about 1-2 hours, during which the server will not be accessible.  All content will be preserved on Moodle with no loss of data or previous functionality. 

There are a number of exciting features to our new version of Moodle, including a new mobile-friendly look and feel, improvements to the Moodle calendar and other streamlining of the interface.  This brief video introduces the new look to Moodle and points out a few tips for navigating the new interface.

More details will be available at the Carleton Moodle Docs help pages. Questions or comments can be directed to Carly Born at x7010 or cborn@carleton.edu.