April 2010 Updates
30 March 2010Software updates for April, 2010
Acrobat 9 license change
5 February 2010Adobe Acrobat 9 license management will improve on Feb. 8th
Carleton’s Internet Bandwidth increased
25 January 2010Carleton’s Internet bandwidth recently increased from 125 Mbps to 200 Mbps.
Apple’s iLife 09 and iWork 09 now available!
13 January 2010Apple’s licensing agreement with Carleton has recently changed to facilitate a number of new applications to be installed on our refreshing machines on campus. These applications are also available for use on faculty and staff Macs as well.
Using Adobe software (e.g., Photoshop)
13 January 2010We are happy to announce that it is possible for users of concurrent Adobe CS4 products to launch their applications while completely disconnected from the Internet. Mobile users NO LONGER NEED to check out a license with KeyServer to use these programs without a network connection. Read further for more information about using Adobe products on campus.
Instructions for making and viewing podcasts
22 September 2009Instructions for making podcasts on classroom computers, and viewing podcasts made at Carleton.
IE 8
1 August 2009Internet Explorer upgrade ********************************************** This message pertains to those users running Windows on their campus computers. If you do not run Windows, you can ignore the rest of this message.…
Carleton has a new Data Warehouse website
20 July 2009Carleton’s new Data Warehouse website is now live.
Printer name changes in some departments
17 July 2009Some printer names have changed, and those printers may need to be reinstalled on computers.
The Application Compatibility Toolkit will run on Administrative computers the week of June 22nd.