NEW DATE/TIME: August 29, 2024
ITS Staff will perform wireless network maintenance on August 29 from 2-3pm. The work may cause wireless network disruption including Zoom and other network activities throughout the maintenance window. This is a continuation of the work that was not completed on March 22. We will update this page when the maintenance is complete.
Some users may have to accept a new certificate while logging into the Wireless authentication system. It is safe to do so and needed to be done in preparation for the work scheduled for Thursday.
Previous Notice from March 22:
ITS Staff will perform wireless network maintenance on March 22 from 1-2pm. The work may cause wireless network disruption including Zoom and other network activities throughout the maintenance window. This is a continuation of the work that was not able to be completed on March 20. We will update this page when the maintenance is complete.
This work is delayed due to a software issue from 7-8am to 1-2pm.
This work was not complete and will be rescheduled to a different day.