Minor changes to labs and classrooms

3 September 2014

Every summer we update and refresh aspects of the public labs and instructor stations.  Although the changes are generally minor this year, we encourage you to take some time to re-familiarize yourself with the technology in the rooms you will be teaching in.  Below is a schedule of when classrooms will be ready for your preview. If you find things that don’t work how you expect, please don’t hesitate to contact either Austin Robinson-Coolidge or Janet Russell; we have reserved time during New Student Week to address any issues you alert us to. 

We’ve updated a number of applications, such as Flash, Adobe Reader, and Firefox, to their current versions, but the most visible changes you will see are to the Windows version of Microsoft Office, which we’ve updated from Office 2010 to Office 2013.  The new version works nearly identically to the older version, but you’ll notice that Microsoft has cleaned up and simplified the Ribbon toolbars.  The other notable difference this year is that we are now running the 64bit version of Windows 7, which has no visual indicator but should help with speed and stability, especially when working with large datasets.

In addition, we’ve updated the projection systems in a number of classrooms, which changes the options for connecting laptops or tablets in those spaces.  We’ve created a handy video for you that shows you how to connect in those updated rooms: <http://youtu.be/spVM5g0Y0cA>.  This change applies to the following rooms:  

  • Willis 114, 203, 205, and 211;
  • Leighton 303;
  • Laird 204 and 206;
  • Olin 02 and 04.

If you are interested in other changes, including more information about our pilot program for lecture capture, please contact Janet or Austin.  A comprehensive list of what software is installed in each location can be found here for the Macintosh: <https://wiki.carleton.edu/x/vAAgAQ>, and here for Windows: <https://wiki.carleton.edu/x/-gAgAQ>.

Classrooms ready for preview now:

  • Boliou 104, 161
  • Goodsell 03
  • Laird 204, 205, 206, 211
  • LDC 104, 202, 203, 205, 241, 242, 244, 302, 330, 335
  • Leighton 202, 236, 303, 305, 330
  • Olin 103
  • Weitz 08, 132, 133, 136, 138, 172, 230, 231, 233, 235

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