Carleton’s computer network was down from 5:00 – 7:00 am this morning (Thursday, 01 Sept 2011).
The network was scheduled to be down from 5:00 – 5:30 am, to replace the core router for the College. (The core router handles all computer network traffic between buildings and the Internet.)
Chris Dlugosz, Carleton’s network manager says, “Internet access was down until nearly 7:00 am, due to an (unforeseen) problem . This has been resolved.”
Willis Hall, Old Music Hall and Stadium took a little longer to connect to the new router. They were all up and running by 8:15 am.
All buildings are now connected to the new router and all Carleton network services are up and running.
The campus is now running on a newer, faster core router with significantly more bandwidth than before. This will help with the demands of bringing the Weitz Center for Creativity online, as well as easing network congestion for everyone who uses Carleton network services.