Carleton has been a customer of for nearly 10 years, and this educational service has recently been purchased by LinkedIn. The hundreds of software tutorials and thousands of videos are unchanged, but the method for getting to them has changed which required an upgrade in our service. Carleton is now in the new environment, called “LinkedIn Learning”.
ITS had requested for the transition to happen over Fall Break, but due to an error on LinkedIn’s end, our campus account was upgraded last week without our knowledge. We are disappointed that we weren’t able to follow our usual practices for providing advance notice. LinkedIn apologized and has offered to support our campus during this transition.
To use Lynda materials (and new LinkedInLearning materials), you will need to activate a new LinkedIn Learning account connected to your Carleton email address, which will include any previous history. Last week you should have received an email to activate your LinkedIn Learning account, which may have gone into your Spam folder. You can start the activation by clicking the link in that email or using this activation link.
During activation, the default option will be to connect your personal LinkedIn profile with your Carleton College LinkedIn Learning account. You are not required to do that, and if you work mostly on a lab computer or have privacy concerns, you should choose the option to “Continue without LinkedIn”. LinkedIn says that linking your personal profile “will allow for a more personalized learning experience, including special course recommendations based on your job title, skills, and industry information contained in your LinkedIn profile.” Here is a LinkedIn FAQ.
ITS investigated a few options for online training, and we remain convinced that LinkedIn Learning has the highest quality and widest breadth of topics.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Doug Foxgrover or Janet Scannell or contact the Helpdesk at x5999.
Janet Scannell
Chief Technology Officer
Doug Foxgrover
Academic Technologist for Presentation & Media Design