Posts tagged with “ITS Software Systems Update” (All posts)
Packing Up and Moving
17 May 2017We’ve all had the opportunity in our lives to move from one place to another. While it often comes with a sense of adventure and new beginnings, it can entail a lot of work. One way to mitigate that work is to organize, clean, and lighten the load prior to a move. As Student Financial Services approached their move from Henry House to Scoville this year, they realized that it would probably be a very good idea to organize, clean, and lighten the load.
What’s In The Hub?
16 May 2017Did you know that The Hub provides a variety of different functions depending on your role at Carleton? Have you ever wondered what’s available to other groups of people on campus? Take a look at this article to see Hub menus for the various groups at Carleton.
OnBase Access Expanded Across Campus
15 May 2017The Business Office recently released a voucher enhancement to individuals across the campus with budget manager access in The Hub. Budget managers can now click on many of the vouchers entries in their budgets to pull up the associated scanned invoice in OnBase. The OnBase extension that provides this enhancement is called Doc Pop. Rather than pulling up documents using OnBase Unity or the OnBase Client, Doc Pop works by accessing documents in the OnBase Web Client, which is new to most OnBase users on campus.
Campus Services – Newest OnBase Addition
15 May 2017Members of the Campus Services office became the newest users of OnBase this past December. Manager of Fleet Vehicle Services & Onecard Program Coordinator, Jana Lelm, was in search of an efficient way to handle student driver applications and driving records while having peace of mind that the documents were secure. In addition to driver records, another goal of tracking fleet vehicle mileage logs, maintenance and body repair records was included.
We have a fully built data warehouse on campus that stores and combines data from many of our campus information systems. Read this article to see seven things that everyone should know about Carleton’s data warehouse.
Growing with our Software
29 November 2016Over the next month, we will be hosting four information sessions that focus on existing software applications on campus. These software applications (OnBase, Colleague, and Identity Finder) have been installed on campus for many years. Software vendors are continually adding new features to their applications, and it’s important that we continue to enhance our implementations to keep pace with vendor growth and campus expectations.
Please take a look at the sessions highlighted in this newsletter and carve a bit of time out of your day to move into the future with us!
Colleague Gets a New Look
11 November 2016This information session will give you a first look at two new major components of Colleague, the software we use to conduct many essential business and academic functions at the college.
OnBase and the new Dropbox/Drive environment
11 November 2016The campus is moving to the new Dropbox/Drive cloud file storage environment. Many departments also use OnBase to store documents. So how does it all fit together? Come to this session to find out!
The Magic of OnBase Workflow
11 November 2016Yes, OnBase is great at securely storing your files. You can search for your documents by keyword, by document type, and you can now do full text searches to find what you need. But did you know that OnBase can also take your documents and route them through an automated process, sending notifications and getting responses from people in different departments?
Identity Finder Hands-on Session
11 November 2016Carleton has licensed Identity Finder, a software application that scans drives that are connected to your computer, looks for information that should be considered high risk, and helps ensure that it is stored in appropriate locations in appropriate ways. As we begin our move to cloud file storage, it’s an optimal time to use Identity Finder to scan your drives and do a bit of cleanup.
Whether you’re new to Identity Finder, rusty and want to brush up on your skills, or simply want to learn some advanced techniques, we’re offering a hands on session for you to spend some time focusing on file security.
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