April 2010 Updates

30 March 2010

We are dealing with a large spike in infected Windows machines at the moment, mostly because of outdated Adobe Reader, Java, and Flash.  The infections have caused a number of hard drives to need rebuilding, which can be very disruptive to everyone involved (especially you).

If you would like to read more about these problems (which are happening all over the world), please see this URL:


See especially the story titled, “Be Aware – Be Wary – Malicious Web Advertisements Present Growing Risk”

We’re preparing a series of automatic updates for these three programs, and a few others, which we are going to test on ITS staff first.  We hope to have them ready to go out to campus computers soon.   Here’s what to expect:

1.       These automatic updates run only in the Windows XP (or 2000) operating environment, where ZENworks Application Explorer loads at startup.  These will probably fail if Windows Update (WUAU, from WSUS) is trying to run at the same time.  If they fail once, they will try to run again next time you log in.

2.       Schedule (dept by dept:  ITS first, then Administrative offices, then Academic departments) is being set.  Rapid response is coordinating when the updates launch.  See below for schedule.

3.       The automatic updates will start after the user logs in, when ZENworks Application Explorer refreshes.  (As always, there will be lots of different errors unless drive W: is mapped to APPS.)

4.       The automatic updates are, in this order:

  • a.      01Prep: Disable Novell Remote Management service, and fix IE Security Zones
  • b.      21K2: Sassafras K2 version
  • c.      33Java: Sun JRE 6u18 (a.k.a., 1.6.0_18)
  • d.      34AReader: Adobe Reader version 9.3.1
  • e.      41FlashIE: Flash Player for IE
  • f.       42FlashIE: Flash Player for Firefox
  • g.      99Post: Prompt user to reboot

5.       The first automatic update runs once; each of the others runs if the application is not found, or if this latest version of the application is not detected (i.e., any earlier version of the application is installed).  If an installation fails, it will be tried again at the next user login, since those criteria have not yet been satisfied. 

6.       Rebooting is suppressed until the last automatic update, after which the computer will reboot, with the usual prompt to the user.  (On an OptiPlex 755, the whole process took about 3½ minutes.)

7.       Except for the Sun JRE, earlier versions are either upgraded in place, uninstalled by the installer program, or uninstalled from the ZENworks script that runs the installer.  Sun JRE versions 6u9 and earlier are left alone; version 6u10 to 6u17 are upgraded in place, assuming they used the default static installation method. 

8.  It is probably best if you let the automatic updates finish (on the day they actually run on your computer) before using the computer for your normal work.  One of the updates may cause Firefox and Internet Explorer to quit during the update process, if either of those apps are running at the time.

If you have any questions or problems, please call Rapid Response, x5999.



Monday, April 5
Alumni Affairs
Alumni Annual Fund Hendrickson
Student Financial Services Henry House
Summer Academic Programs Hoppin House
Institutional Research Hoppin House
Admissions Johnson House
Human Resources Strong House
Tuesday April 6th
President’s Office Laird
Registrar Laird
Telecommunications Laird
Vice President & Treasurer/Investment Office Laird/Twin Cities
Dean of the College Laird
Dining Services Sayles/LDC
Thursday April 8th
Business Office Leighton
College Relations Leighton
Corporate & Foundation Relations Leighton
Development Services & Prospect Research Leighton
External Relations /Development Leighton
Media Relations/Web Services/Publication & Voice Leighton/Library
Post Office/ Campus Services/Mailing services Leighton/Sayles
Off-Campus Studies Leighton
Printing Cory and Loretta Leighton
Monday April 12
Dean of Students  Sevy
Residential Life Sevy
Campus Activities/ ACT Office Sayles
Bookstore Sayles
Career Center Sayles
Security Sayles
Facilities Management and Planning Shop Building
Tuesday April 13
Wellness Center Davis
Academic Support Center/ Trio Scoville/Second St.
Cross Cultural Studies/GSC/Intercultural Life Scoville


Monday April 12th
Art and Art History Bouliou
Mathematics and Computer Science CMC
The College Writing Program CMC
Wednesday April 14th
Linguistics Goodsell
Environmental and Technology Studies Goodsell
American Studies Goodsell
Biology Hulings
Monday April 19th
Women’s and Gender Studies LDC
Asian Languages and Literature/Asian Studies LDC /Leighton
The Language Center LDC
Classics LDC
Archaeology LDC
German and Russian LDC
French and Francophone Studies/Spanish LDC
Wednesday April 21st
English Laird
History Leighton
Sociology and Anthropology/ South Asian Studies Leighton
Writing Program Leighton
Religion Leighton
Philosophy Leighton
Thursday April 22nd
Library Library
Friday April 23rd
Science Education Resource Center Medical Arts Bldg
Psychology Olin
Cognitive Studies Olin
Physics Olin
Geology Mudd
Chemistry Mudd
Monday April 26th
Theater and Dance Music and Drama
Music Music Hall
Physical Education, Athletics, and Recreation Rec Center
Tuesday April 27th
Cinema and Media Studies Scoville
Media Services Scoville
Educational Studies Willis
Perlman Center for Learning and Teaching Willis
Economics Willis
Political Science Willis


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