Election News Analysis project
The goal of the Election News Analysis project is to accumulate transcripts from various news sources, and then analyze trends and patterns of the topics discussed during presidential election periods and key events.
A Student’s Response to Workday Registration
Recently, I was one of the many Carleton students who registered for their fall term classes using Workday. I felt adequately prepared for the change, through the many online resources and Chipotle teaching sessions (yum!).
End of Academic Year Support and Summer Changes
As our academic year and spring term are ending, please note these reminders and opportunities for end-of-term use of academic technologies, summer updates, and getting ready for the next academic year.
DataSquad Student Positions Open
DataSquad is a group of student workers in ITS that works on various different data-related projects. These include data gathering, cleaning, management, and visualization projects.
Searching for Student Digital Humanities Interns and Associates
In collaboration with the Digital Humanities Center and the Gould Library, we are looking for students interested in Digital Scholarship, for both a DHA or Digital Scholarship Intern position. Both…
(Re)introducing Ally
The tool Ally helps improve the accessibility of Moodle content and course documents, equipping our students with a variety of ways to engage with course content. Carleton piloted Ally during…
Teaching with CARE: Supporting equity and inclusion with academic technology
An inclusive and equitable learning environment is one in which all students feel welcome, valued, and respected. It is also an environment in which improved learning outcomes, increased engagement and…
Podcasting with Audacity
Podcast structures vary dramatically. So do the tools that help you record, edit, and deliver your podcasts. Audacity is a free and very capable recording and editing tool. Below, you’ll…
Recognizing a Phishing URL
Many types of cyber attacks rely on sending a link in a way that encourages people to trust it and click on it. In order to identify a malicious URL…
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