Digital portfolios at Carleton

8 January 2016

See Janet’s Blog by clicking here. This is my inaugural post from a Carleton College blog. Carleton uses the WordPress (WP) Edublog platform  and I’ve chosen the template called Blogghiamo.…

Sharing the Bounty

7 January 2016

See Carly’s Blog by clicking here. Last fall, the ACM announced a language sharing project called Sharing the Bounty was awarded $42,448 from the Enhancing the Midwest Knowledge Ecosystem (EMKE).…

Staff Retreat ’15: “On the Road Again” & Google Cardboard

23 December 2015

Introduction Earlier this month, we were part of the ITS team that organized a major piece of the All Staff Retreat. Because this year was the tenth anniversary of the…

Winter Workshop 2015: “Technology to Engage in Public Scholarship”

16 December 2015

A group of almost 30 faculty and staff met December 1st and 2nd to think about technologies used in public scholarship. Throughout the two days, participants: ·   Gained an…

Reasons to use YuJa

6 December 2015

YuJa can enhance or even transform your instruction using screencasting, lecture capture, and uploading or linking to outside videos.  Excellent for thinking outside the 9.5 Weeks… or for enhancing what…

Interactive Whiteboard

6 December 2015

Video of Dr. Susan Mulroney’s (Georgetown U Medical Center) use of SMART Notebook to review entire med school module on GU physiology (the famous soup to poop talk) note that…

Building the Lightboard

2 December 2015

This post was originally written for Eric’s blog. Check the original post and his other blog posts here.  Every day of my Carleton job has been a new adventure. I…

Grant Winner Introductory Videos

16 November 2015

By Dann Hurlbert & Eric Mistry Our faculty delve into a variety of unique projects, often aided by internal grants. This year, the grants included Broadening the Bridge (a collaboration…


12 November 2015

What does Academic Technology do? It’s a broad question to answer. Our work stretches across disciplines and departments. We get to work with faculty, staff, and students to accomplish some…