Course Tools

30 March 2016

Instructors have more tools at their fingertips than ever before.  Sometimes the hardest (but most important) thing we can do for our students and our sanity is to . . .…

Moodle Evaluation & Needs Assessment

21 March 2016

That’s a long title, but it means that I am launching a study of our use of our learning management system (LMS)!

Assessment & Evaluation

29 February 2016

Wow. We’ve known for some time that student course evaluations are dubious gauges for teaching effectiveness. And we’ve known that there is gender bias in evaluation responses. But WOW. This…

Video Assessment Tools

18 February 2016

Video is an excellent way to communicate—but, watching video is a passive activity. Since learning occurs best through engagement . . . finding a way to make your videos more…

Presentation and Visual Design

16 February 2016

Presentation and visual design skills can be developed to help make our communications more effective.  They are fields of study and practice which can take years to master.  Most people do not…

Closed-Captioning Comparisons

15 February 2016

I’m currently evaluating Closed-Captioning Services for our in-house instructional videos.  Previously, closed-captioning has been done intermittently by individual instructors or staff.  For ADA compliance, and as a courtesy, we’ll be…

John Green & Using Social Media in Teaching

11 February 2016

Humorous. Nerdy. Insightful. The power of using Social Media in teaching; a Ted Talk with author John Green.     –Dann Hurlbert is Carleton College’s Media & Design Specialist

Single Most Helpful Article on Video Creation, Curation, and Marketing

11 February 2016

Niel Patel’s QuickSprout article, The Complete Guide to Building a Successful YouTube Channel, is a must read for those interested in either marketing with video or curating a successful educational…

The 3 C’s of Online Content Curration

10 February 2016

By Dann Hurlbert Social media has resulted a continued barrage of social spamming–re-posting millions of perceived “noteworthy” images/videos/links/stories and sharing of billions of m undane daily thoughts and routines—arguably a…