As W22 is coming to a close, please note these reminders and opportunities for end-of-term use of academic technologies and getting ready for S22. In particular, consider managing content access in Moodle and what tools may be helpful for your Spring classes.
End of Term and Final Exams
Academic Technologists will keep the 9 am – 11 am Drop-In hours through Friday, March 11, for quick questions or for you to stop by and double-check that your Moodle final exams are set up as you intended.
PEPS Drop-In hours remain 1 pm – 5:00 pm, M-F through March 11.
If you need support at the beginning of your online exam, please request that support with us by March 11 by sending an email to
Even if you do not choose to connect with us, for Moodle quizzes, please consider these two points:
- In the introduction to your quiz, please remind students to SUBMIT the quiz at the very end (or it won’t record their effort).
- Immediately after you know students are done with their final exam, please take a moment to go into Moodle to verify that all students submitted their quiz.
Don’t wait — there’s a short time-limit on our ability to retrieve and submit any unfinished exams.
If you are missing any exam submissions, contact Wiebke Kuhn at 507-222-4916 with details on the course (e.g. engl100-04-w22), student name, exam or quiz.
Also note that ITS will not make changes to the network or other ITS systems during final exams (March 14-16).
During Spring break, we will be suspending Drop-In hours until March 26th. The weekend before the term starts, we will again be online from 10-2 for quick consultations. Academic Technologists will be available via emails and through the ITS ticketing system throughout the break. PEPS staff will offer support by appointment only.
Managing Access to Course Content after Final Exams
By default, Moodle courses remain accessible for students who were enrolled in a particular course. If you want additional security for the materials (quizzes, assignments, lecture notes) of a concluded course, please check out Moodle: Options for restricting student access with suggestions for hiding your Moodle course or making specific parts of your Moodle course invisible for your past students.
Planning Spring Courses
For additional flexibility, especially as the first two weeks may again require remote student support, please also consider our web-based content: Moodle documentation pages, Academic Technology pages focused on other technologies such as Gradescope,, and using iPads to record class sessions, and our Moodle course: Resilient Teaching with Technology (self enrollment). The LTC pages also have valuable information. Finally, if you like checklists to guide your planning, here are some to consider:
- LTC checklist for online/hybrid course syllabus
- COVID checklist Academic Operations Team
- AT checklist
- Reference and Instruction Librarian’s GouldGuides
If you are interested in a classroom technology refresher, please reach out to Michael Decker or Wiebke Kuhn. In particular, please remember that Laird is now bring-your-own device (BYOD). Classroom tech support page.
If you want to have longer conversations about your Spring classes, please consider reaching out to Victoria Morse, Director of the LTC, or Wiebke Kuhn, Director of Academic Technology.