Posts tagged with “Teaching and Learning” (All posts)
Virtual Reality @ Carleton
Sophomore Sam Johnson-Lacoss (Class of ‘24)’s interest in virtual reality (VR) started in 2018. At Carleton, he’s worked on a couple of projects to implement academic uses of VR.
Getting Ready for End of Term — and Next Term
As W22 is coming to a close, please note these reminders and opportunities for end-of-term use of academic technologies and getting ready for S22.
Using iPads in Classrooms
Help! I just learned that I will have several remote students in my class! How do I teach everyone when I do a lot of writing on the board?!?
Day of DH 2021
Carleton’s Day of DH or Day of Digital Humanities had its 5th year (with last year missing), and, of course, we did it virtually. While this changed the format a little…
Here, there and everywhere: REMOTELAB
Last year when Carleton moved entirely to remote learning during the pandemic, faculty and students used Moodle to share course documents, take tests and hold asynchronous online discussions. They used…
Upcoming changes to our teaching and learning environments
This last year was a year that many of us do not want to repeat, with its multiple challenges, trauma, and stress. We have all worked very long hours, we…
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