Posts tagged with “Teaching and Learning” (All posts)

UDL series — Action and Expression: Physical Action

24 August 2022

Providing multiple means of action and expression for students to demonstrate their knowledge creates an equitable learning environment. Options for physical action include varying the method for response and navigation in the classroom and optimizing access to tools and assistive technologies.

UDL icon for physical action.

UDL series — Engagement: Self Regulation

26 July 2022

The ability to self-regulate is a critical aspect of human development. Provide options for students to gain skills in this area by promoting expectations and beliefs that optimize motivation, facilitating personal coping skills and strategies, and curating self-assessments and reflective practices.

UDL icon for self regulation.

Panopto Archives

21 July 2022

Panopto’s storage model has changed to include an “Archived” storage feature. Previously, Panopto only used a “Stored Hours” model, but now all videos that have not been viewed in the last two years will be automatically moved to the Panopto “Archive.”

Panopto logo

UDL series — Engagement: Sustaining Effort & Persistence

14 July 2022

To help students sustain effort and persistence, remind them of the learning goals and why they matter, offer challenging opportunities, foster a community of learners, and provide feedback.

UDL icon for effort and persistence.

UDL series — Engagement: Recruiting Interest

7 July 2022

Providing multiple means of engagement in a course — by optimizing individual choice and autonomy, by optimizing relevance, value and authenticity, and by minimizing threats and distractions — is another fundamental principle of UDL. Implementing options for engagement can increase the inclusiveness of the classroom.

UDL icon for recruiting interest.

UDL series — Representation: Comprehension

30 June 2022

Transforming accessible information into usable knowledge is not a passive process but an active one. Designing how information is presented can lead to increased comprehension.

UDL icon for comprehension.

UDL series — Representation: Languages and Symbols

24 June 2022

Multiple means of representation includes vocabulary, symbols, syntax, and structure. Students might encounter difficulties when information is presented in only one form, and providing clarity of language and symbol can help.

UDL icon for language and symbols.

UDL series — Representation: Perception

21 June 2022

Providing the same information in multiple modalities (both text and images, for example) creates flexibility on how content is perceived and can reduce barriers to learning.

UDL icon for perception.

How you can implement Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in small steps

9 June 2022

UDL can create an equitable and inclusive learning environment for all students in the classroom. As instructors at Carleton, you can help increase student success by applying UDL principles to your curriculum.

Universal design for learning venn diagram.