The Science of Instruction: Making Video Work Well

7 January 2020
By Dann Hurlbert

In this short video, one of three in a series on the textbook e-Learning and the Science of Instruction by Ruth Covlin Clark & Richard E. Mayer, Dann Hurlbert digs into how these important concepts should impact instructional video production. The book is an in-depth, research-based look into best practices surrounding using audio and visuals in e-learning.  E-learning is only a part of its application, though. These principles are also highly applicable for those creating instructional videos for flipped classrooms or other hybrid teaching styles. 

In this first video, Dann relays how best to use the dual channels (audio and visuals) to make his or her instructional videos more engaging and more effective.

Learn more about Dann and Carleton College’s Academic Technology department.