Planning, Producing, and Evaluating Effective Instructional Videos

12 April 2018

UPDATE 4/13/18: 

Thanks to everyone who’s taken this instructional video quiz so far! (Already over 100 of you!)

quiz results displayed in horizontal bar graph showing anonymous results. most respondents got 3 or more questions right out of 4.

Here’s a screenshot of what the analytics look like. You can see how people responded by question, AND, when users are actually logging into the software, you can track how each individual person responds. For this, everyone shows up as unauthenticated–but that’s OK, since I’m not actually assigning you a grade. 🙂 If you still want to take the quiz, here’s the link:

[wmd-divider style=”fading” spacing=”40″ color=”#002426″ size=”2″ ls-id=”5ad0cd4cdd28b”/]

Ever wonder what your students are actually learning when watching your instructional videos?  There are lots of ways to assess learning with video, and I wanted you to see this fun and SHORT — 60 second — video before my presentation in at OLC Nashville! I’ll be discussing Planning, Producing, and Evaluating Effective Instructional Videos. On that note, I’d love to have you check-out this “video quiz” that lets instructors see what their students learn while watching the video.  It’s one of many assessment tools available to us in education nowadays.  (And yes, I used a Little Prompter to ensure my own flawless delivery in the video. : )  Long to short, I’d be thrilled if you watched it and answered the four SHORT questions. I’m tracking analytics, and am interested to see how your answers look when compiled with lots of others. Feel free to share this post, too!   Just click the following link, below, to jump to the video, and for those attending OLC in Nashville, we can checkout the results together!  Thanks!

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