This page provides an overview of the surveys the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment sends out to various Carleton community members each academic year.
Fall Term
Survey Name | Month | Participants |
Summer Experiences Survey | August | Students |
FOCUS Pre-Program Survey (Fall Cohort) | September | Students |
Life After Carleton Survey | September | Alumni |
First Destinations Survey | September | Alumni |
Fall Senior Check-In Survey | September | Students |
Off Campus Studies Term Evaluation | November | Students |
FOCUS Pre-Program Survey (Winter Cohort) | November | Students |
PEAR Athletes Survey | November | Students |
PEAR Coaches Survey | November | Coaches |
PEAR Instructors Survey | November | Faculty |
PEAR Students Survey | November | Students |
Mathematics Senior Survey | November | Students |
Statistics Senior Survey | November | Students |
Winter Break
Survey Name | Month | Participants |
Faculty Review Surveys (3rd Year) | November | Students |
Faculty Review Surveys (Continuing) | November | Students |
Faculty Review Surveys (PEAR) | November | Students |
Winter Term
Survey Name | Month | Participants |
MISO Surveya | January | Faculty, Staff, Students |
Senior Pulse Survey | January | Students |
So/Jr Career Survey | January | Students |
National College Health Assessmenta | February | Students |
COACHE Faculty Surveyb | February | Faculty |
Off Campus Studies Term Evaluation | February | Students |
PEAR Athletes Survey | February | Students |
PEAR Coaches Survey | February | Coaches |
PEAR Instructors Survey | February | Faculty |
PEAR Students Survey | February | Students |
Mathematics Senior Survey | March | Students |
Statistics Senior Survey | March | Students |
aSurvey is distributed every other year, on even years.
bSurvey is distributed only occasionally.
Spring Term
Survey Name | Month | Participants |
COFHE Enrolled Students Surveya | March | Students |
Staff Experience Surveyb | March | Staff |
HEDS Sexual Assault Campus Climate Surveya | April | Students |
Off Campus Students Term Evaluation | April | Students |
Psychology Majors Survey | May | Students |
COFHE Senior Survey | May | Students |
Senior Banquet Registration | May | Students |
PEAR Athletes Survey | May | Students |
PEAR Coaches Survey | May | Coaches |
PEAR Instructors Survey | February | Faculty |
PEAR Students Survey | February | Students |
Mathematics Senior Survey | March | Students |
Statistics Senior Survey | March | Students |
FOCUS Check-In Survey (All Cohorts) | May | Students |
New Alumni Week Survey | June | Alumni |
aSurvey is distributed every other year, on odd years.
bSurvey is distributed every three years; most recent distribution was 2022.
Summer Break
Survey Name | Month | Participants |
Career Coaching Assessment Survey | June | Students |
Post-Graduation Welcome Survey | June | Alumni |
Faculty Review Surveys (Tenure) | July | Students |
Faculty Review Surveys (Continuing) | July | Students |
Faculty Review Surveys (PEAR) | July | Students |
Carleton Alumni 3-5-10 Surveya | July | Alumni |
Off Campus Studies Term Evaluation | August | Students |
Welcome to the Neighborhood Survey | August | Students |
COFHE Survey of New Studentsb | August | Students |
aA variation of this survey (e.g., Carleton Alumni 1-5-10 Survey) is sent out annually.
bThe COFHE Survey of New Students alternates annually with the CIRP Freshman Survey.
This survey schedule will be reviewed annually and updated to ensure it remains current and is aligned with our College’s evolving goals and values.