Oct 2

Social Security Appointments

Wed, October 2, 2024 • 9:00am - 11:00am (2h) • Sayles-Hill Lounge

The Social Security Administration is sending representatives to Carleton on Wednesday, October 2nd from 9-11 a.m. to process Social Security applications. If you have an on campus job during this Fall Term or who have already worked and need an SSN, you should sign up for an appointment.

If you aren't already on the list, you can sign up HERE.  Once you've signed up, ISL will get a letter to your mailbox in Sayles (you can find your box number on the directory sheets by the mailboxes).  If you see an asterisk by your name, it means we've delivered a letter to your mailbox.

If you already have an SSN, you do not need to apply again unless you no longer have the card.

Before your appointment:
1. Have your supervisor sign off on your letter
2Complete the online application. If you need help, you can stop by my office or schedule an appointment with me. YOU WILL NEED TO SAVE THE CONTROL NUMBER so that they can access your application during our visit. 
3. Make sure you have your passport, I-20, I-94 record, and visa with you for the trip. These need to be originals, not copies.
4. Let your professor know that you will miss a small amount of class (if you cannot find an appointment outside of your class time).

Event Contact: Liz Cody

Event Summary

Social Security Appointments
  • When
    • Wednesday, October 2, 2024
    • 9:00am - 11:00am (2h)
  • Where
    • Sayles-Hill Lounge
  • Mode
    • In-Person
  • Event Contact
  • Copy Share Link
  • Intended For: Students

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