Established in 2009, the Kautz Family Endowed Scholarship was one of just a handful of funds that gave preference to first-generation students. Inspired by the Ignat Challenge, Leslie Kautz ’80, P ’15 and Jack Weiss P ’15 pumped up the fund in 2019 to further help low-income and first-generation students. “The transformative possibilities of a great education should be more widely available, and the Kautz Scholarship was meant to further that goal,” says Leslie Kautz.
The Kautz Scholarship, which has helped more than 50 deserving students access Carleton’s life-changing education, is now one of 37 endowed Carleton funds directed toward helping first-generation students.
- Bardwell L. Smith Endowed Scholarship
- Bruce Colwell Scholarship
- Carrie and James Davis Scholarship
- Charles N. Poskanzer Scholarship
- Class of 1964 Endowed Scholarship
- Class of 1965 50th Reunion Fund
- Class of 1966 Endowed Scholarship
- Class of 1967 Endowed Scholarship
- Dacie Moses Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Darwin and Lori Serkland Endowed Scholarship
- Evelyn Anderson Haymaker Endowed Scholarship
- Frances Watt Baker ’63 and Lenox Baker Endowed Scholarship
- Frank and Helen Verbrugge Scholarship
- Fred Cooper ’58 Endowed Scholarship
- Freehling Fotouhi Family Endowed Scholarship
- Holschuh-McAndrews Endowed Scholarship
- Joan Friedman and Mark Applebaum ’89 Endowed Scholarship
- Joanne Zack Endowed Scholarship Fund
- John Field Raish ’41 Endowed Scholarship
- John Tymoczko Endowed Scholarship
- Kautz Family Endowed Scholarship
- Kirschner Endowed Scholarship
- Lori Ros Kirchen ’79 Endowed Scholarship
- Melinda Wheeler Cooke ’71 Endowed Scholarship
- MPCF Meslow First Generation Scholarship
- Nini’s Scholarship
- Professor Diethelm Prowe Endowed Scholarship
- Reeves Blau Family Endowed Scholarship
- Robert and Polly Nason McCrea ’62 Endowed Scholarship
- Robert Strauss ’73 and Susan Warner Endowed Scholarship
- S. Robert and Susan Coen Mendelson Endowed Scholarship
- Sippel Farb Family Endowed Scholarship
- Stephen J. Barenkamp ’73 Memorial Endowed Scholarship
- Sundem-Weikart Endowed Scholarship
- Sweitzer Family Endowed Scholarship
- Tilson Family Endowed Scholarship
- Trace McCreary ’89 and Alissa Reiner Endowed Scholarship