Posts tagged with “Scholarships” (All posts)
Leading the Way
Every Carl for Carleton: Fall 2018Before Every Carl for Carleton, there was “every trustee for Carleton.”
Great Scotts
Keeping Carleton Affordable: Fall 2017Carleton is practically a member of the family to Dawn Scott Grench ’83, who grew up in Northfield and can count more than 30 relatives as fellow Carleton alumni—stretching from her grandfather, Irvin Scott from the Class of 1909, to her daughter Eva Grench, Class of 2019.
The $50 Difference
Keeping Carleton Affordable: Fall 2017In the fall of 1954, Yvonne Connolly Martin ’58 almost didn’t come to Carleton. She was $50 short. She’d applied on the advice of her guidance counselor and hadn’t really thought about money. When her acceptance letter came, her parents—an insurance agent and a homemaker—sat down to figure out what they could afford.
Posse Scholars Partner for Success
Keeping Carleton Affordable: Fall 2017Since 2001, Carleton has partnered with the national Posse Foundation to identify public high school students with extraordinary academic and leadership potential.
Behind the Music
Music on Campus: Spring 2016Gillette-Pike Scholarship Fund has assisted more than 200 music students
Grace Notes
Music on Campus: Spring 2016Emerita professor Anne B. Mayer’s planned giving extends her Carleton legacy
Dreams & Dollars
Financial Aid: Spring 2015In the Carleton budget, financial aid looks like just another line item in a spreadsheet . . . but for prospective students, it’s a life-changer
The Tools for Success
Financial Aid: Spring 2015Herb Fritch ’73 supports scholarships to make a Carleton education accessible to students from middle-class families
Beyond Her Backyard
Financial Aid: Spring 2015With help from a Fritch scholarship, the daughter of Ukrainian immigrants finds her place at Carleton.
Part of the Solution
Financial Aid: Spring 2015Through targeted scholarships, Stephen Davis ’88 saw an opportunity to help diversify Carleton’s student body.
The Quest for College
Financial Aid: Spring 2015Four Carleton sophomores beat the odds to become Quest Scholars.
The Gift of a Lifetime
Financial Aid: Spring 2015Carleton transformed the life of Mary Oenning ’28. And thanks to a generous gift in her will, her support is helping generations of students.
Bringing It Home
Financial Aid: Spring 2015Studying 8,700 miles away from home, Sabastian Mugazambi dreams of bringing back what he’s learned to help Zimbabwe.
Sweeping Generosity
Financial Aid: Spring 2015More than three-quarters of Carleton’s custodial staff contribute a portion of each paycheck to the Custodial Scholarship Fund, which provides financial aid to at least one student each year
A Passion for Public Health
Life After Carleton: Summer 2014The Woodside Endowed Fund for Career Exploration allowed Brendan Fowl ’14 to pursue an unpaid internship at the University of Maryland School of Medicine