The $75 million Evelyn M. Anderson Hall, named to honor pioneering scientist Evelyn Anderson Haymaker ’21, P ’59, P ’60, P ’61 had its soft opening in 2019. The official christening, postponed due to COVID-19, will take place when everyone is back on campus.
In the meantime, the thoroughly modern, naturally lit complex is buzzing with socially distanced activity, as both students and faculty members are coming to appreciate its innovative composition and inviting aesthetic.
My first thought was just, ‘Wow!’
Phoebe Jean Wilmot, Dining Services staff

I walked in and loved how much natural light there was. I just thought, ‘This is beautiful.’
Tegan Carlson ’21

Walking into the building, it comes off very crisp.
Ineke Cordova ’22

I find the space inviting, open, grand, and all about science, albeit a relaxed version of it.
Julie Neiworth, Laurence McKinley Gould Professor of the Natural Sciences and Psychology