Campaign Update
The current (June 2019) campaign total is $347.3 million toward our $400 million goal.

The Magic of the Classroom

Carleton may not be the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but there’s a special brand of magic here all the same. It’s found in every classroom, says John Harris ’85, a member of the core committee for Carleton’s Every Carl for Carleton campaign.
“Carleton is a place where outstanding faculty members come because they’ve decided to organize their careers around the magic of the classroom,” says Harris. “Ask most students why they chose Carleton, and overwhelmingly you’d hear that Carleton is a place of outstanding teaching.”
What energizes Harris about the Every Carl for Carleton campaign is that it reflects the college’s commitment to robust teaching and learning. Campaign initiatives include support for scholarships, faculty/student research, and funding for a new integrated science facility.
The college has received much recognition for its strengths in teaching science, and Harris believes this is important for broader academic community here.
“Keeping Carleton on the cutting edge of science is important to people beyond those who major in or spend their careers in the natural sciences,” he says. “Our students need to think critically about how citizens grapple with the implications of huge debates at the intersection of science and public policy, such as climate change and how to respond, as well as technology and how we navigate enormous advances in things like artificial intelligence.
“These are the big, big questions of the age, and Carleton’s investments in the sciences and in sustaining great teaching are responsive to those challenges.”
Donor Spotlight: Mike Baum ’65

He may have been initially turned down by the Carleton admissions office, but luckily, Michael Baum ’65 doesn’t hold a grudge.
“My high school principal called the college and said, ‘What are you thinking? He’s our valedictorian!’” Baum says with a chuckle. “So they let me in, and gave me a scholarship, and treated me very well. I’ve had an affection for Carleton ever since.”
Recently Baum acted on that affection by establishing a will provision to support science education at Carleton with resources to maintain the new science center. “Carleton provided me with an education that led to my career as a biological psychologist,” he says. “Carleton is one of the best liberal arts colleges in America, and since liberal arts colleges are an
American invention, by extension, it’s among the best in the world. After I die, and after I’ve provided resources to my family members, continuing science education at Carleton is a worthy cause.”
Last September Baum visited campus and saw construction of the new science center. He’s impressed with the direction of the college and says he is confident his planned gift is a meaningful way to support Carleton. “I did it happily because I know the money will go where it’s most needed,” he says.
Philanthropy for a New Generation
We’re pleased to announce that Carleton has joined the Schuler Initiative, a three-year, multi-college effort to increase giving and cultivate the spirit of philanthropy among younger alumni.
Funded by trustee emeritus Jack Schuler, P ’97, and the Schuler Family Foundation, the initiative takes aim at a nationally observed trend: Younger alumni of liberal arts colleges — those who graduated in the past 15 years — are not financially supporting their alma maters at the same rate or frequency as their predecessors.
“Carleton is fortunate to have many strong supporters and engaged volunteers among our younger alumni,” says Nicole Schroeder, director of the Alumni Annual Fund. “But even Carleton isn’t immune to this national trend. This is an age group that’s making tough choices about the best use of their philanthropic dollars. It’s important for us to be sure we’re creating a meaningful giving experience for them.”
“The initiative has galvanized a group of young alumni,” says Alumni Annual Fund Board member Lyssa Searcy ’11. “The goal is to develop best practices for connecting with these classes that can be shared nationally.”
Giving By the Book
Supporting Carleton can take many forms, and Carolyn Nelson ’63, H ’08, P ’89, ’91, and Bob Nelson ’62, P ’89, ’91, have done just about all of them. They’ve given to the Alumni Annual Fund for 41 years, established endowments, and joined the Heywood Society by adding Carleton to their will. And recently they donated their collection of rare, first edition books to Carleton’s Laurence McKinley Gould Library. The collection contains 200 titles and 289 volumes such as original printings of The Great Gatsby, a King James Bible, and Samuel Johnson’s dictionary.
“The collection is a wonderful addition to Gould Library,” says college librarian Brad Schaffner. “It provides students and faculty members with the opportunity to directly experience outstanding first editions. We are extremely fortunate to receive such a generous gift.”
William Carleton Medal Honorees

The William Carleton Medal represents a signal honor conferred by Carleton’s Board of Trustees in recognition of extraordinary support of the college.
In May 2019, the medal was presented to
- Michael J. Hasenstab ’95 and Mary Ann Hasensta
- Leslie B. Kautz ’80, P ’15 and Jack S. Weiss, P ’15
For a full list of recipients, please visit
Support Every Carl for Carleton
Contribute to the Every Carl for Carleton campaign through:
- An annual fund gift of any size
- Capital and endowment giving
- Planned gifts such as bequests and annuities
To learn more, call the Office of Development at 800-492-2275 or visit