With this campaign we will safeguard the high-quality education Carleton offers.

For a century and a half, Carls have applied their liberal arts education to working in a wide variety of fields, problem-solving and innovating, and pursuing meaningful lives. Today the world needs Carls more than ever. That’s why we are proud to launch Every Carl for Carleton, a $400 million campaign to fund Carleton’s most important priorities.
It is up to all of us—every Carl—to continue advocating for the liberal arts and support education that challenges students to think broadly, appreciate different cultures, and truly understand how to read, write, and analyze. It is our responsibility to protect and continue shaping Carleton’s culture for the students who will join our community in the future.
Our commitment to teaching and learning, dedication to enrolling the best students, innovation in preparing students for life after graduation, and investment in meeting students’ ongoing needs has allowed us to provide the finest liberal arts education possible.
With this campaign, we will safeguard the high-quality education Carleton offers. We will ensure that our doors are open and accessible to all, regardless of family means. We will equip students with skills and knowledge to venture forth into a changing world. We will continue to support Carleton’s mission for another 150 years and more.
We thank you for your ongoing support of Carleton and invite you to join us in boldly reinforcing the place that has shaped so many of our lives. With your help, we will continue Carleton’s tradition of scholarship, leadership, collaboration, and service, and we will welcome many more Carls from all backgrounds into our community.
Cathy James Paglia ’74, P ’18
Chair, Every Carl for Carleton Campaign
Wally Weitz ’70, P ’96, P ’99, P ’02
Chair, Carleton Board of Trustees