Give today to support Carleton students

14 November 2017

Autumnal sk8erYour gift to financial aid makes Carleton possible for students from all walks of life—removing barriers for outstanding students who deserve a place at Carleton, regardless of family income.

Financial aid enables Carleton to:

  • Stay true to our promise to meet 100 percent of demonstrated need for all admitted students
  • Draw talented students from all income levels
  • Enable all students to partake in the full range of opportunities at Carleton
  • Keep faith with enrolled students whose financial circumstances change
  • Avoid saddling our graduates with unrealistic levels of debt

Every dollar counts and helps Carleton provide a world-class education to deserving and talented students from socioeconomically diverse backgrounds.

Visit to contribute through the Alumni Annual Fund.

Contact a gift officer at 800-492-2275 to discuss a capital, endowed, or planned gift in support of financial aid.