Significantly increase representation of students, faculty, and staff on campus from underrepresented populations.
Objective 2.1 Increase the percentage and retention of historically underserved students with a focus on Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and other underrepresented groups.
Strategy 2.1.1
Examine the packaging of financial aid to reduce the burden on students over the course of their career at Carleton in order to remain affordable and equitable for students and families, and competitive amongst other colleges.
- (Proposed) Responsible Party: Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Budget Office, President’s Office.
- Process: Develop and designate initial funds allocation (July, 2025) and then implement on an ongoing basis.
Strategy 2.1.2
Expand existing programming (e.g., TRIO, FOCUS, Posse, CUBE, etc.) and develop new or revised cohort and support programs or partner with other organizations focused on underrepresented populations in Minnesota and nationally
- (Proposed) Responsible Party: Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Provost, Dean of Students.
- Process: Report on new initiatives and expanded program offering submitted to Admissions and Financial Aid Committee (AFAC) and Tuesday Group (beginning May 2023 and updated as necessary)
Strategy 2.1.3
Develop early intervention programs with collaboration from Admissions, Student Life, and Academic Affairs that address trends in underrepresented student satisfaction and academic success data.
- (Proposed) Responsible Party: Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid, Provost, Dean of Students, Institutional Research and Assessment.
- Process: Pilot process developed (July 2025) with annual reports submitted thereafter to the Education and Curriculum Committee and Tuesday Group on full implementation .
Strategy 2.1.4
Establish a dedicated fund targeting the recruitment of Indigenous students and removing financial barriers negatively impacting their enrollment and retention, including the college’s policy of meeting their full demonstrated financial need, thereby increasing representation and graduation of Indigenous students.
- (Proposed) Responsible Party: President, Board of Trustees, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid.
- Process: Fund established (September 2024).
Objective 2.2 Increase the percentage, retention, and continuity of Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and other underrepresented faculty.
Strategy 2.2.1
Create a recruitment strategy based on departments/programs establishing pipelines and enhancing visibility and reputation in feeder graduate programs. This would include Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), etc. Consider including intentional use of strategically designed postdoc positions and visiting lines that have potential to become tenure-track appointments.
- (Proposed) Responsible Party: Provost, Faculty Curricular Planning Committee (perhaps redefined as a new deliberative body), departments/programs, Development Office.
- Process: Reframe the tenure-track request process to include detailed plans for recruitment, usually taking place over more than one year (May 2022); develop strategies, pipeline, and visibility profile (March 2025) implemented on an ongoing basis with annual reports to the Provost from departments and programs on progress.
Strategy 2.2.2
Revise permanent faculty hiring mechanisms to reflect the college’s IDE priorities:
- Review and revise as needed the criteria for requesting FTE to the Faculty Curricular Planning Committee consistent with more thorough recruitment and mentoring plans
- Make explicit the criteria for using targeted opportunity hires
- Develop endowed funds for future hires
- Develop a toolkit of IDE procedures for all academic hiring
- (Proposed) Responsible Party: Provost, Faculty Curricular Planning Committee (perhaps redefined), Chief Diversity Officer, Development Office.
- Process: Criteria for requesting FTE reviewed and revised (September 2024), criteria for targeted opportunity hires clarified (March 2025), endowed funds developed (July 2025) with mechanisms implemented on an ongoing basis thereafter.
Strategy 2.2.3
Implement standardized exit, stay, and candidate experience interview processes with an emphasis on diversity and equity; use data to improve hiring processes, practices, and retention initiatives.
- (Proposed) Responsible Party: Human Resources, Provost, Institutional Research and Assessment.
- Process: Interview processes established (March 2025) and then implemented on an ongoing basis; annual review of data by Provost, Faculty Affairs Committee, and Faculty Curricular Planning Committee thereafter.
Objective 2.3 Increase the percentage and improve retention of Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and other underrepresented staff.
Strategy 2.3.1
Develop recruitment pipelines by enhancing Carleton’s visibility and reputation in Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs), professionals of color associations, alumni of color associations, and similar educational institutions/organizations both locally and nationally.
- (Proposed) Responsible Party: Human Resources, College Communications, Department Leads.
- Process: Pipelines developed, including funds allocation (March 2025), and then implemented on an ongoing basis.
Strategy 2.3.2
Identify and implement equitable hiring practices by bringing transparency to the process of developing position descriptions, grading positions, publishing salary ranges, and standardizing the hiring and selection process across departments to increase URM representation and retention.
- (Proposed) Responsible Party: Human Resources, Hiring Managers.
- Process: Equitable hiring practices developed (March 2024) and then implemented on an ongoing basis.
Strategy 2.3.3
Set targets and goals to increase Carleton’s competitiveness in hiring in terms of process, pay, benefits, and work flexibility to increase recruitment results.
- (Proposed) Responsible Party: Human Resources, Business and Finance, Vice President and Treasurer
- Process: Targets and goals established (March 2024) and then implemented on an ongoing basis.
Strategy 2.3.4
Implement standardized exit, stay, and candidate experience interview processes with an emphasis on diversity and equity; use data to improve hiring processes, practices, and retention initiatives.
- (Proposed) Responsible Party: Human Resources, Institutional Research and Assessment.
- Process: Interview processes established (March 2025) and then implemented on an ongoing basis, annual review of data by Human Resources thereafter.
Strategy 2.3.5
Using an IDE lens, provide professional development and support to department heads, supervisors, and managers to effectively supervise, professionally develop, and retain staff.
- (Proposed) Responsible Party: Human Resources, Community Equity Diversity Inclusion, Chief Diversity Officer, Tuesday Group.
- Process: Training established (June 2023) and then implemented on an ongoing basis, staff satisfaction survey administered every three years thereafter.
Objective 2.4 Improve the balance and distribution of home country and socioeconomic representation within the international student community.
Strategy 2.4.1
Remove financial barriers to balance and improve distribution of home country and socioeconomic representation.
- (Proposed) Responsible Party: Vice President for Admissions and Financial Aid.
- Process: Financial aid targets established in consultation with AFAC (March 2023) and then implemented on an ongoing basis, with annual updates to AFAC and Tuesday Group.
Strategy 2.4.2
Ensure the Office of International Student Life is properly staffed and funded to provide ongoing support to international students from all backgrounds.
- (Proposed) Responsible Party: Dean of Students, Budget and Finance.
- Process: Staffing and resource benchmarks established in comparison to peer institutions (July 2023) and then revised staffing and budget implemented on an ongoing basis. Continue to include opportunities for students to provide input on this process.
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