Welcome President Byerly!
On 11 May 2021, I posted an entry in a Carleton group in Facebook:
The Spring 2021 edition of the Voice arrived at my home (in Herzlya, Israel) last night. I was struck by the picture of the 4 current and former Carleton presidents and how remarkably similar they were to each other: 4 Euro-American men, presumably born and raised in affluent circumstances, recipients of the finest possible undergraduate and graduate educations, all gifted with high intellectual potential which they were able to apply constructively and positively.
Let there be no question that each of them served Carleton very well. Nevertheless, if only on general principle, I think it would be a very good thing for Carleton if the next president did not fit that profile.
Less then a week later, your appointment was announced.
And while I trust that you bring to the position at least the same high level of qualification as your predecessors, I deem it a very good thing that you don’t fit into that picture.
I am very excited about your presidency and I wish you all success in your work at Carleton.
Morris Schreibman ’78
Herzlya, Israel