May 16
Do Something Good for Your Neighbor Day Celebration!
Thu, May 16, 2024
• 2:00pm
- 4:00pm (2h) • Sayles Plaza.

Join us on May 16th, the official Do Something Good for Your Neighbor Day! DSGFYND (We love acronyms, don’t we?) gives members of the Carleton community a chance to thank and recognize neighbors: people in our community or colleagues who have stuck their neck out (hence the giraffe) to support members of our community or to champion/support IDE efforts. Stop by and pick up a treat/toy and a card, write a thank you note, and deliver it to your “neighbor(s).”
Where: Sayles Plaza (Café if weather is bad)
When: 9-11 AM AND 2-4 PM
This event is organized by CEDI and the Division of Inclusion, Equity, and Community.
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