Apr 10
Religious Pluralism in a Historically Christian College

Rev. Schuyler Vogel is an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister, with degrees in religion from Carleton College (’07) and Harvard Divinity School (’14). In his role as Chaplain of the College, Schuyler serves as the college’s senior clergyperson and oversees religious, spiritual, and ethical life at Carleton.
Before returning to Carleton, Schuyler served as the Senior Minister of the Fourth Universalist Society in the City of New York, a vibrant, diverse, multi-faith congregation across from Central Park. Their ministry and activism earned coverage in the New York Times, Democracy Now!, NPR, and the Nation Magazine.
Schuyler has served congregations in Wisconsin, Illinois, and Florida, both as a pastor and as a religious educator for children, youth, and adults. He completed his ministerial internship at the First Church in Boston, where he helped found the Sanctuary Boston, an emergent young adult community. While at Carleton, Schuyler earned a teaching license in 6-12th grade social studies and worked in the chapel as a Chaplain’s Associate. It was then that he first experienced a call to religious and spiritual life, leading progressive faith groups, evensong services, and interfaith dialogues on campus.
At Carleton, Schuyler sits on numerous college committees and boards, including Community, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (CEDI), the Leadership Advisory Board (LAB), the Peer Leader Committee (PLC), Security Planning Group, Indigenous Peoples Advisory Committee (IPAC), the Awards Selection Committee, and the Catastrophic Leave Pool Committee.
In addition to his work at Carleton, Schuyler serves as the President of the St. Lawrence Foundation for Theological Education and as the Secretary of the Human Rights Commission of the City of Northfield.
Originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Schuyler lives with his wife, Kristen, two children Rowan (3) and Clara (0).
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