“Free Solo,” a National Geographic film co-directed and co-produced by Jimmy Chin ’96 and E. Chai Vasarhelyi, today received an Academy Award nomination for Best Documentary Feature. Four years in the making, “Free Solo” chronicles the first-ever free solo climb of El Capitan at Yosemite National Park.
Both breath-taking and suspenseful, the filmmakers followed rock climber Alex Honnold as he prepared to achieve his lifelong dream: climbing the 3,000 ft. face of the world’s most famous rock…without a rope.
This is the second documentary film for Chin, who has been working as a celebrated photographer and mountaineer for 15 years.
The 91st Academy Awards ceremony will be held Feb. 24, 2019, in Los Angeles. “Free Solo” is currently screening at the AMC Rosedale 14 theater in Roseville, Minn. Watch a trailer for the film here.