Posts tagged with “SRPs Summer 2022” (All posts)

Student Research Partnership in History: Comparative Analysis of 19th Century Blind Institutions in Europe

2 February 2023

In the summer of 2022 Susannah Ottaway, Professor of History, and Chris Costello ’23 traveled to Ireland to do archival research at the National Library of Ireland and the National…

image of the minute book from Molyniex Asylum 1856

Student Research Partnership in Cinema and Media Studies: The Wandering House

25 January 2023

In summer 2022 Valentina Guerrero Chala ’24 and Cecilia Cornejo worked to develop a digital version of the Lanesboro Community Quilt. This quilt is part of a larger project called…

screenshot of The Wandering House website

Summer Research Partnership in English: Legacies of the Minstrel

23 January 2023

In Summer 2022 Sophia Heidebrecht ’23 worked with George Shuffelton, Professor of English, to conduct bibliographical research on the figure of the minstrel in the Anglo-American tradition. The project’s aim…

Reliques of Ancient English Poetry frontispiece

Summer Research Partnership in Classics: Pompeii I.14 Project

23 January 2023

In summer 2022 Sidra Michaels ’23, Samantha Zimmerman ’24, and Jordan Rogers, Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics, did field research with the Pompeii I.14 Project. The overarching goal of the…

students resting on an ancient rune

Summer Research Partnership in Archaeology: PAMA Archaeology Project: El Proyecto Arqueológico Medio Ambiental

23 January 2023

In the summer of 2022, Sarah Kennedy, Robert A. Oden, Jr. Postdoctoral Fellow for Innovation in the Humanities and Archaeology, Sophie Bagget ‘23, Claire Boyle ’25, Collin Kelso ’25, Ezra…

picture of the PAMA team of researchers

Summer Research Partnership in Russian: Swan as a Dinner Dish

17 January 2023

In Summer 2022 Marjorie Mitalski ’24 worked with Laura Goering, Professor of Russian, on the project Swan as a Dinner Dish. Swan was a staple of Medieval and Renaissance banquets,…

Swan Pit, Norwich

Summer Research Partnership in History: Flucker-Urquhart Divorce

24 October 2022

In the summer of 2022 Lorraine Bernhard ’23 and Margaret De Fer ’24 traveled to Scotland and England to do archival research with Serena Zabin, Professor of History. The purpose…

Aberdeen Archive