Posts tagged with “Faculty” (All posts)

Summer Reading Circle in Classics

17 September 2024

Once again those Classics faculty in Northfield for some chunk of the summer enjoyed and profited from the opportunity to read selected articles and discuss them with each other. While…

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Summer Reading Circle in Asian Languages

17 September 2024

Over the summer Lei Yang, Associate Professor of Asian Languages and Literatures, and Lin Deng, Lecturer in Chinese, read Kenneth W. Harl’s new book, Empires of the Steppes: A History…

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Interdisciplinary Summer Research Circle

16 October 2023

This research circle began from the premise that despite our very different disciplines and associated methodologies, the three of us (Chloe Fandel, Geology; Jake Morton, Classics; Andrea Mazzariello, Music) could…

Summer Research Circle in German

2 October 2023

This past summer, German professors Kiley Kost, Seth Peabody, and Juliane Schicker together with History professor David Tompkins received a Humanities Center summer research circle grant to support each other…

German tram stop sign

Contemporary Scholarship and Teaching in German Studies

19 September 2022

This past summer, the German faculty applied for a Humanities Center summer research circle to support each other in projects related to both teaching and research (and the connections between them). In…

Carleton German on frisbee

Settler Colonialism: Global and Local Connections

6 October 2021

Our reading circle explored the concept and practices of settler colonialism across multiple contexts: Minneapolis, Palestine, and Alaska. The texts that we read spoke to our individual research interests as well as our commitment to tracing global crises that stem from the violent displacement of Indigenous communities in both the US and abroad. We were particularly interested in interrogating how settler colonialism strengthens and maintains white supremacy in a given place (e.g., Minneapolis, Palestine) and transnationally.


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19th-20th century art and cultural change: shared scholarship

26 September 2021

Baird Jarman (Art History) and Susan Jaret McKinstry (English) both research the visual culture of the Anglo-American world during the long nineteenth century, approaching art as matter — whether material,…

person with odd hat

Bringing the Past to (Virtual) Life through Digital History Research and Pedagogy

7 December 2020

The Mitford and Launditch Hundred House of Industry, now the Gressenhall Farm and Workhouse Museum, presents the historian with major opportunities for (re)imagining the past. Our digital modelling necessitated pulling off the mask it currently wears as a museum, stripping away the residue of its time as a twentieth-century Old Age Home, and uncovering the architectural and functional changes that turned it into a Union Workhouse of the New Poor Law period, after 1834.

Digital 3D model of the 1777 Gressenhall House of Industry produced by the authors and their student collaborators and rendered in Unity 3D.

Race and Racism in Social Philosophy and Theory Across the Disciplines

10 November 2020

What should scholars and teachers do about the racism regularly encountered in the ideas, writings, and theories of intellectuals who are largely regarded as the founders of our disciplines in…

The Fetish Revisited: Marx, Freud, and the Gods Black People Make book cover

Racial Identity and Ethnicity in the Ancient World

8 October 2020

The Classics Department’s initial application for a summer research circle was to explore current trends in the study of race and ethnicity in the ancient world. Classics (like many traditional…

image of A 10th-century diagram depicting the interconnections between aspects of the world