Tuition Assistance for Dependents

Carleton College extends tuition benefits for an employee’s legal dependent children. Employees must have completed six continuous years of service and be benefit-eligible in one of the following statuses: tenure track, PEAR faculty, faculty on continuing appointments, exempt staff, non-exempt staff, or union employee.

Plan to allow 3 calendar weeks (21 days) from the submission of your request for the check to reach your dependent’s school and be applied to your student’s account. The steps involved in the process are identified below with an estimate of time for each step:

  • Carleton HR reviews, calculates and approves your request; HR submits a payment request to Accounts Payable (AP); AP processes the payment. This entire process takes approximately about 15 days.
  • U.S. Mail takes about 3 days.
  • Receiving College/University processes the check and applies it to your student’s account. This takes approximately about 2 days.

Request Form Information & Process (NON-ACM Schools)

Link to the Workday Request Form (opens in a new window); or use the Workday “Request App” and search for “Dependent Tuition Request”.

Screenshot: Create Request in Workday

Dependent tuition payment requests must be submitted prior to the end of the academic semester, term or quarter for which payment is being requested.

ACM (Associated Colleges of the Midwest) Tuition Exchange Program – Information & Process to Apply

Carleton joined the ACM Tuition Exchange Program effective academic year 2023/2024.

ACM Applicant’s Guidelines for Fall 2024 and Subsequent Years – Below is a summary of the information contained in this PDF.

  1. Application Process: Complete the ACM TREP Application at and pay the $25 fee.
    • You will receive a confirmation email that includes an application code. Save this code as you will need for the confirmation of acceptance process.
    • The ACM TREP coordinator at your campus will certify your eligibility.
    • You will be notified of acceptance or non-acceptance by the colleges at the usual time. At approximately the same time, the colleges also will confirm your tuition remission benefit.
  2. Confirmation Process: As soon as you have made a decision to accept an offer of tuition remission or to withdraw from ACM TREP consideration (such as to attend your home college or a non-ACM TREP college), complete the confirmation form that was linked in the email you received after applying.
    • Use the application code (referenced in step1) and complete the requested information. You are also responsible for appropriately notifying the college at which you plan to enroll and any others to which you were accepted.
  3. Workday Request Form: STEP 3. ACM TREP Tuition Exchange Program – Dependent Tuition Benefit.

Additional Resources

ACM Dependent Tuition Benefit Presentation