Feb 16

Part 2: Title IX Carleton Instructor Led Training - Virtual

Thu, February 16, 2023 • 1:00pm - 2:00pm (1h) • Zoom Link: https://carleton.zoom.us/j/95828210751?pwd=R01qeGNyQ2xEZXVxQmdvbmJsekZmQT09
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Audience: All New Staff and Faculty

Carleton College is committed to maintaining high standards of respect and civility. This commitment extends to creating and maintaining a learning, living, and working environment free from all forms of sexual misconduct as defined by Carleton College’s Policies against Sexual Misconduct.

With the exception of Carleton's chaplins and staff in Student Health and Counseling, ALL Carleton employees are Responsible Parties, which means that, if they hear any information regarding potential sexual misconduct, they must share it with Carleton's Title IX Coordinator.

Title IX is a federal law that requires colleges and universities to take steps to prevent sexual misconduct and to respond appropriately when it occurs. This course explains the behaviors needed to build a workplace free of discrimination and harassment.

Event Summary

Part 2: Title IX Carleton Instructor Led Training - Virtual
  • Intended For: Faculty, Staff
  • Categories: Training/Orientation

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